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Old 20th October 2022, 01:29 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by Amuk Murugul View Post
Hullo jagabuwana!

You are correct.
My apologies to everybody.
I should’ve been more thorough.
I got the name from two separate websites, so I thought it was OK.
Anyway, I had to dig into my archives.

Your first ref. only mentions Bantam 1888.
So here are my likely candidates:
Hello kang Amuk. No apologies necessary

Looks like my link just takes you back to the source page of the page I really intended to reference. But if you click on the photo, it will take you to a page with more details and it says "Regent van Serang-Bantam (1888) met Familie".

Thank you for sharing those photos. I'm always fascinated by the variation of style in both clothing and keris across the different Sunda regencies, in the same period. The difference between the keris dress of Prawiradireja II and Wiradiningrat really sticks out - the former with what appears to be a Solo gayaman wrangka and the latter with one that might not be of a style from Java. Though they did seem to agree on wearing it nganggar style, which I think became known to be common in Sunda when keris are worn.

I think it's insightful and goes to show that there was no central or higher cultural authority in Sunda to codify conventions and customs. I think Sumedang Larang probably thought they had a claim to this given their history with the fall of Pajajaran but by the time they were all vassalised by Mataram it seems that Javanese style became that which was associated with high culture and a refined elite. The exception to this is perhaps the advances in the arts that are attributed Prawiradireja II's father, Kusumaningrat, who thanks to his patronage created a style of music that is now probably one of Sunda culture's most recognisable artefact - tembang Sunda.

It is a shame that we know so little detail about Sundanese court art, dress and conventions from before Sunda fell to Banten, especially where the keris is concerned.
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