Thread: Bugis keris
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Old 6th June 2022, 06:34 PM   #15
Join Date: Jan 2022
Location: Netherlands
Posts: 424

Originally Posted by A. G. Maisey View Post

We could probably put together a whole list of reasons why we do not see as much action in this Keris Forum as we might like,......... perhaps some other people might like to offer a comment or three ?
Alan, thank you for your comment.

Being a newcomer and a new “ adept” (for lack of a better wordt) in the world of the kris I have to say that while I enormously appreciate the advise and guidance of the more experienced people here, I too have felt that the forum has a very tight structure and ways to relate to one another which may be felt more than passingly intimidating and at times positively feel not welcome.

I am very active on a completely different forum and there I am, by now, one of the longest serving and more prolific members. I have seen there how newcomers may feel hushed by the longstanding members and I know all too well what that means.

I don’t believe that covid has much if anything to do with the shrinking of interest, in my opinion, forgive me, this is a red herring.

There is no shortage of krises where I live , being old or new, and I promise you that, in fact, in the Netherlands if anything the marketplace is growing because many collectors have reached the end of their lives and the collections are all sold at auction with no shortage of buyers. Some even relatively young and I know of some collectors or people washing krises that are in their late ’40.

Most Dutch people are proficient in English and there would certainly be more people spending time here if there would be a somewhat "lighter “ atmosphere.

Again, one can blame it on external factors and they certainly play a role, but a certain amount of introspective criticism may also serve the purpose to change in attitude which may appeal to more people.

Of course the people on the forum may conclude that having a dozen members active on the forum is what the forum wants and if that is so, so be it but I think that a lanrger number of people will bring fresh ideas and ways.
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