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Old 11th April 2022, 12:40 PM   #18
Join Date: Jun 2009
Posts: 1,245

Alan, thank you for your remarks.

Looking at how Keris terminology has changed over last 40 years I can imagine, terminology used by people around 120 years ago could leave us really wondering about it, even if we suppose the society and Keris lore could have been a bit more conservative and certainly not developing in a way how it is developing today.

I must say, unfortunately I don't have the German language original of Groneman's work.

But I looked through Jasper&Mas Pirngadie. They also mention two kinds of Selut: "seloet trap-trappan" (OE in this and all following words is Dutch spelling for modern U)and tatahan. Both names indicate the method of production.

With Selut Trap-trapan they mention following motifs:
1) "Kembang Oentoek-Oentoek (=foam)" - which changes the perspective and we have now a connection with flowers here indeed.
2) "Kembang Anggoer"
3) "Tamparran"

With Selut Tatahan they mention following motifs:
1) "Seloet Djlengoet"
2) "Wilojo" (I write an A with overring as O)
3) "Koemo Irawan" (ditto)
4) "Loeng Gadoeng"
5) "Saton"
6) "Tlatjappan" (Tlatjap=Toempal)
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