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Old 3rd February 2022, 09:21 PM   #50
Keris forum moderator
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No worries Shadejoy, i don't feel attacked in the least.
I will say though, that collecting and correlating all the information you seek and organizing it in an index for easy access in order to save members some time and effort by bringing them directly to the exact tidbit of information they are seeking would be an enormous task to undertake. While you and other members might enjoy the results of such an effort i do not really feel that i would personally enjoy the task. After all, this is not a paying job and my time is valuable as well. LOL!
I also might suggest that you spend a little more time trying to figure out how the search engine works to help you pinpoint your searches so that you can avoid having to read through aspects of threads you have no interest in. Are you aware, for instance, that when you use the basic search you have the ability to focus your results to "Show Thread" or "Show Post". If you choose "Show Post" you will only get the post where your keyword shows up in your results, thereby avoiding having to read the entire "Flying Keris" thread in order to find the part about keris maintenance that might have been posted somewhere in there. You can do the same in the Advanced Search as well as search for just responses from particular members or only specific dates and/or forums, etc.
I will add that no one taught me these things. I learned them by opening up the search and messing around to find out how i can get more specific and efficient results from the program.
I hope that you don't perceive this as an attack or me being too harsh, but i don't really have the time to serve up on a silver plate all the precise tidbits of specific and varied information that each and every member here might be seeking at any given time. We have a pretty vast archive here after so many years of discussion and while everything there is to know about keris certainly isn't in there you will find that there is quite a bit of combined knowledge and imagery to be found in our archive. It doesn't cost you a penny. But it will cost you a bit of your own time and effort.
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