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Old 2nd February 2022, 03:12 PM   #48
Keris forum moderator
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Originally Posted by shadejoy View Post
To be honest with you, the search function isn't what I would like it to be. But in my opinion it isn't a technical issue. Rather, it's the nature of this forum, the discussions themselves. What I'm looking for, e.g. Keris maintenance, is discussed under multiple threads with various subject lines that are seemingly unrelated to Keris maintenance. For example, the original thread may have been about Keris hilt or showcasing personal Keris but then the conversation evolves around how to clean or preserving it. I totally understand, it's how discussion works. We want to keep the flow although often times it develops into a bigger scope. That is why I think the search function is what it is and we may want to take a few different approaches using different key words. It seems like tags are few and far between.

So I totally understand where you're coming from, @David and @Rich.
As newbie, I'll take what I can get. I have nothing but high regards for this forum and its contribution to one of Indonesia's cultural heritages.

hmmm...i am not sure exactly what you would like it to be. Are you using the basic single window search, or have you used the drop down window to find the "Advanced Search". The more specific your search key words, the more specific your results will be. You can also search for exact phrasing by placing quotation marks (" ") around your phrase. This might eliminate hits that don't quite match up with your desired search as it will only lead to uses of those exact phrases rather than the individual words as the search otherwise responds to threads that contain the keywords used regardless of what order the words appear in. But ultimately, even if you are led to threads that are mostly discussing other subjects than the one your were searching for, you will be enriching yourself with other keris information. The keris cannot be understood in a vacuum; the more you read the better informed you will become.
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