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Old 1st February 2022, 08:22 PM   #41
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,861

I tend to agree with you SJ.

I've never had a lot of success when I've searched for things. The search function is a real good facility to have, but it delivers --- in some cases --- a very great number of hits.

In one way this is really good, but you need the time to shift through multiple threads, and often, after shifting through those threads I still have not come up with the thing I have a half memory of.

Other people seem to have a lot more success using this search function than I do. It is either that they are much more clever than I am in its use, or they have much more time to fill in than I have.

The ideal would be for somebody with both the interest & the time, to compile an index of relevant subjects, not just maintenance, but perhaps other things that generate recurring questions.

But then again, maybe that's not such a great idea because if all the questions could be answered without discussion, there would be no discussion, and no discussion would see this Forum die.
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