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Old 21st December 2021, 11:57 PM   #2
Peter Hudson
Join Date: Jul 2020
Posts: 312

Originally Posted by urbanspaceman View Post
Covid has held up many TV productions, including that of a BBC documentary based on my research into the German swordmakers of Shotley Bridge.
Although my book is still in the augmenting and amending stages and consequently not edited or proof read (my punctuation often leaves something to be desired) I have had high quality copies privately printed for interested parties hereabouts (the commercial version will be a companion to the TV doc' and of the 'luxury magazine' form) and I have also made the ever evolving tale available via the Shotley Bridge village website.
I have compressed (purely digitally) the book down into a 13mb pdf. format so it may be downloaded comfortably, and I feel it only right that I offer this download to any interested parties on this website, as much of my early research was collaborated by Jim and Peter, who would subsequently go-on to mentor me during my years as a total novice. So here it is, but bear in mind it is not quite finished:

Heavy stock, spiral bound, hard copies are available at cost price from my local printers should anyone desire one.

Hello Kieth , This is great news that the BBC is taking on this important subject as a documentary so all the best with that breakthrough. I am sure that all the Shotley Bridge people ..of which I am one... will thank you for your very hard work . Thank you for the offer to supply copies although I will be after a bound copy in due course and I can Imagine well thumbed copies being looked at in The Crown and Crossed Swords.
That Pub/Hotel was itself owned by The Swordmakers as was much of Shotley and as a 14 year old I recall waiting to catch the early morning works bus in the school holidays up to the Derwent reservoir being constructed. It was great pocket money at the time!!(The pick up point was right outside the Hotel.) and that was exactly The Summer of 1964 when they replaced the old emblem of the Swords above the next door establishment then amalgamated into one public house ... It had been The Commercial. But what is interesting is that the old insignia was a Crown with two Basket Hilts crossed underneath... but replaced by a bit of a monstrosity... Anyway.. Your research is well received by all and its a Canny Story Aye!...
Kind Regards, Peter.
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