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Old 24th October 2021, 04:53 PM   #1
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Default A Learning Experience?

Hi All,

European weaponry isn't really my thing but because this Dutch klewang (ostensibly VOC) was being sold for very little, I decided to take a chance. Upon carefully examining the sword, I fear that I have been treated to what ruefully is called a learning experience. The blade is about 25.375" (64.4cm) long. The guard, ferrule, and backstrap are brass. The hilt looks like bone with a brass wire wrap but where the white "bone" has been chipped and worn away, the material is black which indicates plastic so the best I can hope for is some sort of 20 century dress sword. The sheath is brown leather sewn down the back. A loop of brass is riveted to a leather flap at the throat. The leather flap has a slit in it and is fastened to a partially intact leather band. The brass drag has been stapled to the sheath. I don't know if the staples (1 missing) are original.

Rob T
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