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Old 30th August 2021, 05:56 PM   #5
Interested Party
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Originally Posted by David View Post
Just a note...
I have just moved another book related thread to the swap section, so a brief reminder. DISCUSSION of books, their content and merit, criticism, etc. is permissible material for threads in this forum. However, NO discussion on where and how to obtain said book is allowed as NO commercial content is allowed in either the Keris, Ethnographic, European or Miscellaneous Forums on the Vikingsword site. ALL commercial posts belong in the swap forum. So please be aware of this as we proceed to discuss this book.
I, for one, have not read this book. Is it available in English?
David, this thread was opened purely for discussion. I have not read this book and I was hoping for opinions of people who had. I have not found it in English. My project for this summer was to teach myself to read Bahasa Indonesia. It started well, but other than translating bits of the EK I have not had the time I thought I would.....

Alan, Thanks for the comment. Appreciated as always. I believe I understand your feelings as Solo being the heart of keris culture and others being imitations or shadows. Somehow I am drawn to north coast Java and Sumatra Keris the same I am pulled into the dark places of a wet forest. There is a magnetism that I feel. An emotional response to the art. I appreciate the precision of Solo, but not being part of the culture it's forms are harder to grasp. East Java vegetational forms are also intriguing. I've been looking at true Janggelan hilts. As well as a Putrasatu.

Loedjoe, Thank you for the synopsis of the contents. It was helpful and the most information I have seen on this book.
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