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Old 30th July 2021, 08:18 AM   #5
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,762

Frankly, I am not able to confirm or deny that this keris could be classified as Pajajaran from this these photographs, nor from any photographs. It might be, it might not be.

If it is classifiable as Pajajaran, the person who has classified it as this should be able to give which division of Pajajaran, and support his opinion by naming the indicators.

The names given to most , or perhaps all tangguh classifications refer to geographic locations, sometimes to geographic locations as well as eras. Exactly what is meant should be able to be stated.

The form of this keris is the Modern form, that is, it began to proliferate after Islamic domination of Jawa. I have yet to see any representations of this style of keris in monumental works that pre-date 1500.

The earlier form of keris, the Keris Buda is consistently met with in monumental works that predate 1500.

The Kingdom of Pajajaran existed in Sunda from about 1300 to about 1580.

To name this keris as originating in the 12th century is very ambitious.

The Javanese belief system used to place keris into locations or eras is the Tangguh system, it is important to understand that any classification given under the guidelines of the system is purely an opinion. Regretably, whoever gave his opinion that this is a 12th century keris really needs to go back to pre-school.

Last edited by A. G. Maisey; 30th July 2021 at 08:29 AM.
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