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Old 12th July 2021, 07:45 AM   #1
Vikingsword Staff
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Originally Posted by mahratt View Post
... P.S. My opinion is that the days when you could buy a unique item for "2 cents" on marketplaces like e-bay are long gone. Now everyone has the internet and any seller knows for sure if his item is unique or not. And also knows that a unique item cannot be cheap.

I'm not so sure. Occasional items slip through the cracks. Every now and then (much less commonly than in the 1990s), the odd item is misidentified and ends up to be a real sleeper. This is still the case with some Filipino items, for example--not so much the Moro pieces but less common swords and knives from other Filipino cultures about which we have much less information. Filipino collectors (i.e., those from within the culture) are providing more and more information about their ethnographic arms and armor, helping us to better understand important and valuable pieces of their rich culture.
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