Thread: Keris handle
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Old 7th July 2021, 09:34 PM   #20
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,762

You screw the hilt on, you do not push it, hilt holes are all different sizes so you might need to do the job a few times before you get it right.

You begin at the tip of the pesi and work down. It is advisable not to make the fit at the gonjo end too firm, if you make it tighter than it needs to be you can split the hilt.

If you need a bit of pressure, apply the binding so that the pressure is on the tip end of the pesi, not the gonjo end.

Often you will need to put the mendak on before you put the binding on. Knitting wool yarn is probably the best material to use for binding.
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