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Old 2nd January 2021, 04:03 PM   #2
Keris forum moderator
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Yes, i remember that other keris Sirek. Really like that one, but then i'm a sucker for a nice kebo keris.
You are right to not a similar treatment with the sheath. The veneer inlaid onto the gandar is indeed something we see more often on Balinese sarungs and once again we see these makings on the atasan where it meets the gandar. Also this keris has what would be considered a Balinese polish to the blade (even though this was indeed once a norm for Javanese keris as well). SO i am inclined to have a similar opinion in this as the other one (and Athanase's keris), that this most probably came from an East Jawa location with a transplanted Balinese population.
Here is a Bali keris with a very similar veneer treatment.
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