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Old 22nd October 2020, 10:00 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by shayde78
The way the corrosion looks in the fuller suggests there could be font there. However, I cannot get it to photograph in a meaningful way, and I'm not sure how to gently get down to that level of the metal to be able to determine. I'll see if I can play around enough with lighting to get the faint trace I think I see to appear in a photograph. Of course, I may well be chasing a ghost...or a phantom that was never there to begin with

Also, thank you for the details concerning weapons use on the decks of a ship. Following your posts over the years, I know you've built your knowledge and have become something of an expert in this regard. The insights are appreciated!
The patina looks quite attractive as it is. Perhaps something appealing about having a look of something salvaged from the salt sea water.

You could try looking at the blade from different angles and direct a torchlight on it. Another trick is to put a blank piece of paper on it and rub a pencil or a charcoal on top, although the surface might be a bit uneven for that.
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