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Old 20th May 2006, 08:23 AM   #22
Pangeran Datu
Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 79

Originally Posted by Alam Shah
Hi Pangeran Datu,
Agreed, afaik. Caveat Emptor is normally the approach. But that still does not answer the question: Are these Keraton or Palace Guard pieces?
What is your opinion Pangeran?
Hi Alam Shah.
I picked you for someone with a penchant for Malay/Sumatra/Bugis kerises.
How come so much interest in these pieces? Anyway to answer your question:

- WRT both kerises, I gave them the once-over and dismissed them with a quiet chuckle, thinking, SOMEONE is SURE to buy them.
- WRT 1st piece: I believe that Pamengkang Jagad occurs because at some stage of the manufacturing process, the temperature wasn't high enough, thus not allowing some sections between iron and pamor layers to meld properly. The through crack is because there is no steel core. Connoisseurs as well as the keraton class generally consider this type of keris as being defective. However, it is apparently popular among newcomers and in Malaysia.(See also Satria's comments, above)
- WRT 2nd piece: The only Keraton Yogya kerises I have seen with pendok, have been those made of precious metal and/or inlayed with stones. The pendok is usually not merely used as a sheath protector, but also as a display of wealth/status/power.

Originally Posted by Alam Shah
True, but there are instances where buyers were taken in by their 'so-called' friends (reference to previous threads here). Most of us had come to the consensus that the best way is, to arm yourself adequately with the necessary knowledge to make an informed decision.
I'm sorry, I didn't elaborate.
It was presumptious of me to assume that all enthusiasts will always research/brush up on something, to the best of their ability, before seeking outside help. But, there is a limit to how much one can absorb and understand ( especially by oneself). Of course, the final decision is yours and it should be the best-informed one you can muster.

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