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Old 12th September 2020, 06:20 PM   #23
Interested Party
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Originally Posted by David
I am pretty sure that Anthony didn't make this dress. He did, however, commission it.
Thanks for the close-ups Anthony. The silver work is beautiful. I'm afraid i see Bali work and motifs here. I'm not sure about the Dutch influence I.P. mentions. I would think that in some ways anything that is an extension of the Mojopahit can be said to have an Indian influence somewhere in its roots, but again i see Bali work here, at least in style. Is the mranggi actually in Bali or elsewhere?
Anthony I apologize. I misread the previous posts and would very much like to believe that many of our members have this kind of talent coming straight off the couch.

I am not an expert on anything and differ to the more knowledgeable members (everyone else). I joined and comb the archives to expand my knowledge base and as a student my ideas ideas are often fallacies. Questions not statements. Esp. the Dutch. I am no expert on anything sadly. What I believe is a sunflower motif I have seen elsewhere on Indian work attached is an example. I have seen almost identical sunflowers on Mexican items old and new, but to me it seems that these would have little influence on Indonesia and Bali. As far as the Dutch goes I had two rationales for this assumption, both highly anecdotal. First I found nothing analagous in F. Wagner's The Art of Indonesia a work referenced by V. Ghiringhelli so I would assume it is of some use and authority though from the 1950s. Secondly I thought of older furniture. I have been shopping for writing desk and this work reminded my of some of the raised work from the US east coast in the early 1900s. Eastern US woodwork was very influenced by Dutch craftsmen down to the vocabulary to describe wood. An example being as a boy I was told "checked" wood was a term from the Pennsylvanian Dutch trying to say "shaked." As trees exposed in fields or the edges of forest to wind were more likely to crack when drying. They would also grow more quickly and had a less dense grain which couldn't help matters. Finally if anyone has pre-colonial motifs, 1700s or preferably 1600s, that are similar it would be a treat to see them and definitively put the matter to rest. My mind always finds echoes of other works in what I see and hear. It is somestimes a bit of a curse, like an earworm. I could not find the example that made me think of chrysanthemums but I did find Invincible Krises 2 had peonies engraved in silver which bear some resemblance as well. Then again maybe just another sunflower Like I said a bit of a curse.
I know cultural diffusion goes both ways so I guess the motifs could have moved east to west as well.
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