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Old 25th July 2020, 05:55 AM   #24
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: NC, U.S.A.
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Other possible areas to expand one's searches...

A variant form of Jim Bowie's amazing design is the so-called "Arkansas toothpick". If I recall, they didn't have the the clipped point, but were more spear-headed, like Colin's. I always found the coffin-shaped grips on some of these types quite symbolic!

Check out Neumann's "Swords and Blades of the American Revolution" to see the predecessor of the bowie. Many of these rifleman's trade knives had elements of the later bowie.

If you are studying bowies, let's not forget that aside from their Civil War legacy, they fit prominently in the story of the Alamo and Mexican War. Without being too graphic here, it is said that when Sam Houston and his Texican army caught up with the Mexican forces under Santa Anna, the battle devolved into a bloody melee whereby the Americans cut down the enemy using only their bowie knives and tomahawk axes. The number of Mexican casualties was startling and if I recall, something like 1200 cut to pieces in less than 30 minutes!!!

Last edited by M ELEY; 25th July 2020 at 12:53 PM.
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