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Old 20th July 2020, 09:02 PM   #16
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Posts: 444

Thank you everyone for the positive feedback.

Apologies for the delay, and for the rotated orientation of some of the images. When I post them from my laptop, they appear right-side-up. However, when I look at this thread on my phone or tablet, the orientation is rotated.

I am entirely agreeable to Ian's suggestion, and am happy to send the images to a moderator in PDF format to be posted a single reference. Whoever would like the task, PM me and we can figure it out.

I'll post the remaining images in sets below.

Again, I am keeping these in the order that hey appear in the text. If anyone wants to pull out specific images to discuss, feel free once I'm done posting.

All told, there are about 70 images (my initial count was off as I had some duplicate pictures and some I noticed upon closer inspection were of flag poles, vs. spears, and the like).

Oh, the fifth picture of this post contains an image of fortifications outside the main gate of a city/town. I included because I'm curious what is being represented. Not quite an edged weapon...but related, right?

The ninth picture is the one with the executioner swinging a two-handed sword that may depict a blunt tip. Again, this could just be a fault in the engraving, but the fact that such swords were often rebated caused me to make note of this

The last picture of this set shows utilitarian knives of the era. In researching this image, I believe the saint (sorry, I cut off his full portrait) is one associated with leather workers and bookbinders. Often, this saint was depicted with a flayed hide, sometimes a human hide. Grisly, but such was life at this time.
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