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Old 21st May 2020, 08:48 PM   #27
Interested Party
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Originally Posted by A. G. Maisey
OK David, you want more than I intended to give?

In my experience the way in which to build knowledge is first & foremost to identify exactly what it is that one wishes to know or to learn, and that identification of "knowledge needed" then becomes one's guide to where and how to seek that knowledge. In respect of knowledge concerning keris, and in particular Balinese keris, very seldom does the material presented in print that focuses upon keris assist the understanding of a true student of the keris.

But on the other hand, if one is not so much a student of the keris, but rather a collector of the keris, then the nature of the knowledge needed is different, and knowledge at this "collector level" can be added to by virtually everything in print.
Please forgive me if it is bad manners to ask. What would be a good reading list for a student of the keris (Balinaese and Javanese as well)? I have been finding the whole subject fascinating. Covid has limited my purchasing power but has given me the gift of time which I am trying to put to judicious use. I never realized I still had so many dreams.
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