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Old 12th May 2006, 10:42 PM   #13
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,762

Thank you Mr. Doecon, for your invitation to participate.

What I actually said was this:-

"---I`m sorry, but I really am not positive at what I am looking at here.

Yes, its a tombak, but it is out of stain, and there are some characteristics that make it difficult for me to identify as a Javanese tombak. It may be Javanese, or it may not be. It appears to be in overall good condition, ----
There`s just not a lot I can tell you about this *****. Commentary on Javanese wesi aji starts with an attempt at classification, and because this is out of stain and has some non-typical ( for Javanese) characteristics, there is no way I could make a sensible classification. Sorry.---"

I do not know what is , and if I do not know, I`m not prepared to guess.

If I had it in my hand the story could be different, but giving positive ID`s on the basis of a photo is something that I am often just not good enough to do.
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