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Old 5th April 2020, 10:44 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by A. G. Maisey
It is Segaluh Detlef, but stylistically.

It might have been made in West Jawa, but if it was, then it was made a lot later than the blades that we normally see that we can classify as Segaluh.
I think you are asking me why I think it is not an older blade?

Well, the iron is wrong, it is too padat, not coarse enough, the pamor is wrong, the luk although shallow are quite distinct. Stylistically it is classifiable as Segaluh, it cannot be classified as anything else, but based upon what I believe I can see in the photo I would be very unwilling to give it the age that genuine old Segaluh needs, simply because the materials are wrong.
Thank you Alan and by close inspection and comparision with Segaluh blades I understand what you mean! Thank's for the (for me) very good learning lesson!

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