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Old 4th March 2020, 05:00 AM   #1
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Join Date: Apr 2015
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Posts: 308
Default Breakage during shipment

I have never experienced any damage or breakage of items shipped from overseas even for fragile items such as ceramic bowls, until this week that is.

I would like to hear from any of you here, your experience and how to handle the situation with the shipper.

Here is my situation.
My package , in FOUR layers of protective material (outer box, inner box lined with polystyrene and layers of newspapers wrapped over the item (Keris)) with FRAGILE stickers pasted all over, was sent via fedex from Indonesia. When I received it, the package looked OK and untampered but when opened the sarung was broken and split in several places. It is obvious that something heavy was put on top of it.

When I filed a complaint to fedex, their answer was that they are not responsible as the packaging material is not sufficient!

Below is a part of the quote from fedex.

" We truly apologize that we will not be able to honor any claims with regards to this incident and a proper packaging is the sole responsibility of the shipper."

This is absolutely not true as I've received shipments countless of times with even flimsier packaging material! I think the fault is with fedex not following proper procedures in handling the package.

Appreciate your comments and suggestions what I should do next


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