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Old 29th February 2020, 09:06 PM   #4
Join Date: May 2019
Posts: 153

This is how I understand the Persian verses

این قلمدان عالی بی اشباه
مر جوانان خوب را دلجو
ساکن اسفرنگ صحافش
گر بپرسی منزل او
سال تاریخ او ز روی کرم
صنعت بنده میر قربان گو

“This exalted, peerless pen-box
Is desired by the handsome youths.
Its bookseller lives in Isfarang,
Should you ask about his place of residence.
The year of its date (is given) through generosity,
Say “craft of the servant of Mir Qurban.”

The date is given in the form of an abjad chronogram. The letters of the Arabic/Persian alphabet have numerical values. If you add up the value of the letters comprising the phrase “craft of the servant of Mir Qurban“ you get a value of 1244 AH, which is equivalent to 1828-9 AD.

The pen-case appears to have been owned by a bookseller (sahhaf). I am not sure who Mir Qurban was - he may have been a local ruler, or perhaps a Sufi holy man, of whom the maker of the pen-box was a devotee.

Isfarang is another name for Isfara in Tajikistan. On the ends are two further words. One is تاریخ which means “date”, the other is وله which means “also by him”. The latter is the typical way in which you make an attribution to a poet in a poetic anthology, but I don’t really know what it means here. It may mean that the poem was by composed by the owner, but I’m not sure.

I’ve never seen a Central Asian qalamdan, let alone a dated one
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