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Old 16th February 2020, 08:31 PM   #33
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,762

I do not know, Apo.

The idea of "citrus" dish wash liquid is causing me doubt. Another thing is this:- I do not know what country you are living in, I do not know the standards in that country. If "citrus" is an indication that the soap is acidic, this might have some effect on the pamor, but that could just as easily be a positive rather than a negative effect. On the other hand, the "citrus" might simply refer to the smell of the soap.

I don't know.

I'm in Australia, and all I've ever used here has been whatever was on the sink, mostly it would have been something that is supposedly gentle on hands.

I've used the dishwash approach a few times in Indonesia, and frankly I cannot recall what I used, it was just whatever the pembantu had in the kitchen, and it didn't matter if it got rid of the blade stain, because I could easily get it redone, rather than spend time on it myself.
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