Thread: New Moro kris
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Old 15th February 2020, 10:40 AM   #36
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Originally Posted by kai
I beg to differ: There are several deep cracks which surely were filled with rust. There is no way that a gentle polish of the surface would have removed these pockets of residual rust. Thus, for long-term preservation a limited acid soak was not a wrong strategy; with good planning, the process could have been shortened though.
Hello Kai,
I have polished several moro blades with a much harder grade of corrosion without a bath in a vinegar or citric acid solution before, not one of this blades show until now new active corrosion.
But in general I agree, it can't hurt! I only want to state that it wasn't really required. And a more easy way would have been a direct polish.

Originally Posted by kai
any harm done in this case - we all have seen much worse restoration attempts, I believe!
For sure! So please don't push Apolaki to remove the hilt. Who get a small shock when he realize that he need to polish a blade (sorry Apolaki ) will have a great problem to fix the hilt later again proper. All my Moro kris blades I have restored by self never I have dismantled the hilt, the result is in many cases visible at this place, just search a little bit.
Yes, it's a little bit circuitous to polish a kris blade with attached hilt but for sure more easy as to dismantle a hilt and more to reattach it proper again IMVHO.

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