Thread: Forging song
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Old 22nd January 2020, 08:02 PM   #2
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,752

This is pure showmanship Anthony, all staged for the benefit of the bule audience. This is not the way it really is.

If there is one thing that Basuki Teguh Yuwono is really great at it is promotion. He truly is a very talented man, but his greatest talent I will leave unspoken. I have never met Basuki face to face, but I did have a lot of contact with his teachers. He is well known in Solo, and probably across Indonesia, I know a Balinese pande, the current generation of a pande family, who wanted to get into making keris, so he went to Solo and took some lessons from Basuki.

Regarding the song. I do not understand one word of it. It is being sung in either high level Javanese, probably Krama Inggil, or perhaps the language used by dalangs, which is a variety of Kawi, Kawi being the old language of literature.

This is what is typical in Solo:-
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