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Old 23rd December 2019, 02:19 PM   #10
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Join Date: Jan 2016
Location: Chino, CA.
Posts: 216

Morphologically it most resembles a Tomahawk to me. Heavy headed with a down angled bit, and a slight recurve towards the top edge. A convex grind with a stout butt (which on tomahawks are largely about counter balancing). I've also seen a few tomahawks that have a hollow recess at the end of the handle for stuffing a cork in. That's so if it gets a handle strike the blow is deadened and it doesn't come whipping back at the thrower, or flying off in some unpredictable direction (the cork usually snaps off when that happens and takes a lot of that kinetic energy with it).

I mean I could in no way say anything for certain. But I did do a good bit of throwing back in the day up northern california way (real northern california) and that would be my first instinct with it. Sure looks like it would stick nicely.
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