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Old 10th October 2019, 07:27 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by Ian
They are all of the same general vintage, second half of the 20th C, which fits with the time the original collector was in the Philippines.
Hi Ian,

While I agree with you in general I have to disagree when it comes to the kris blade, the overall style and the separate gangya I personally would place at the end of 19th to very early 20th century. I guess that an antique blade with rotted fittings get a new dress at the time of the mid to second half of the 20th, the current hilt and scabbard are typical for this time.
I know this practise from Indonesia, for example you can find very old blades in rather new tourist fittings (Bali).
I am nearly sure that we see an antique blade here.

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