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Old 25th September 2019, 06:27 AM   #26
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Originally Posted by Edward F
...Both have extended spike and somewhat sharp blade.i think both could be used as a weapon in battle.
I recall a famous Roman chronicler that noted a stab from a gladius 3in. deep to the body cavity was normally fatal in battle. Depends on where I suspect. And the size of the wound. Jim Bowie was run thru the lung and out the back with a sword stick, presumably one of those with a 4 sided unedged spike one. He survived, the guy who stabbed him did not. Anyhow, those spikes if sharpened could do some damage to an un-armoured foe, as most Indian troops were, ditto on the blade. If they didn't snap off. Not too sure I'd want to risk it with one of those brassy ones with the brazed on blades.
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