Thread: Whoa ! Moro
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Old 30th April 2006, 02:30 AM   #6
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The ivory pommel kris has an impressive and nice sor-soran, with well-defined greneng which looks like to be of a more uncommon form. The pommel itself shows a good level of sophistication judging from what's left of it, and the shallow grooves and lines on it. I noticed that the baca-baca looks old and very sturdy. Perhaps the seller knows of someone who can restore the lost crown on the kakatua pommel, and perhaps make a sheath for it. Maybe that explains why he would pay so much for it.

On another related subject - there has been a trend of person or persons who throw in irrationally high bids on kerises on ebay, and in some cases, not paying for the winning bids at all. This is not good. Hopefully the person or persons behind these irrational bidding would stop because it does not benefit anyone, including themselves.
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