Thread: Majapahit Keris
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Old 14th June 2019, 06:53 AM   #19
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 3,237

Hello Alan,

This is one of my favourite Majapahit keris representations.

These representations are not rare, nor are they singular Kai, they're all over the place. True, they need to be searched for, but if you're prepared to put the time in, they can be found.
Yes, this is a gem! I‘ve also spent considerable time at temples from the classical period in Asia (as well as musea). It’s a shame that many sites were heavily looted with many pieces ending up in inaccessible private collections.

I agree that a number of representations of the keris buda are extant (I realize that this modern term is a bit unfortunate in the light of its not unexpected absence at Borobudur). Even more common are representations of its ancestor and in quite a few cases it is not really possible to verify whether the blade may already conform with our current definition of a keris blade (which at that period likely was not a distinct style but rather variations of a theme).

What really is extremely scant are representations of any modern keris though! The famous forge scene at Candi Sukuh may well show one example; its details are not really clear though (maybe an issue of craftsmanship?) and in my humble opinion it is not possible to utilize this as a proof of a fully developed modern keris. It’s very important evidence but may also show an intermediate style rather than a full-blown modern keris.

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