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Old 12th June 2019, 05:28 PM   #3
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Ibrahiim thank you so much for this response and fascinating link to the history that is held in the story of Frank Bannerman and his castle.

In posting this thread, I wanted to share with readers and 'collectors' a bit about the foundations of this hobby/obsession/passion or whatever.
As one of the 'old timers' I thought it might be interesting to see how this area of collecting began to become more widely practiced from these early years.

As a young collector, beginning with a handful of WWII bayonets (not that 'ancient' back in the 50s), I had no idea where this little 'collection' would eventually take me, nor did I have any idea of Bannerman, or for that matter any of the 'mail order' dealers who would later become well known.

What I did know was that I loved history, and these weapons were often icons of some of the most dramatic times, moments and events in it. In those days, WWII was almost 'current' as it was constantly present in its aftermath for years, and 'surplus' was pretty much everywhere.

In later years, I was fascinated with the mail order catalogs which had military weapons as well as many 'exotic' items from faraway places we only knew of from National Geographic magazines.

The collecting of these items, learning the history, and about cultures from faraway places and the weapons they use, was powerfully intriguing, and became obsessive as I could never seem to learn enough, always wanting more.

Collectors, of arms just as in any field, are a diverse group, and each follows their own path in what aspects interest them or compels their pursuits.
I soon found that I was far more a historian (wanna be) than a collector, and while I did acquire a weapon here and there, it was their history I wanted to learn.

That was why these forums were ideal for me, I could learn from the weapons other guys would acquire, and share what I could learn with them and others reading , so we could all benefit. With discussions and sharing of examples the sum of knowledge became powerfully assembled and over time, became an archives that would furnish information for current and future research.

While I do not expect a great deal of interest presently in this thread, I wanted this to be included as a matter of record, so that one day...a collector who finds something marked 'Bannerman' or with such reference, they will see how this man affected the early days of this hobby.
Also, as an 'old timer', I wanted to share this with the young guys who are just becoming 'afflicted' with the collecting arms bug, and encourage them to learn all they can, to acquire 'smartly' and wish them well.

Always collect and learn, but try to learn FIRST! Knowledge is the most important weapon you will ever have in your collection!
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