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Old 4th June 2019, 05:16 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Jim McDougall
LOL! great humor as always Wayne
...Often carrying small pocket pistols was done, but many of these, especially the cheap available kinds, were called 'suicide pistols' presumably for misfire rate or other issues.
Thanks. I try. Breaks the boredom & adds colour.

I once owned a .25 pocket pistol i recall buying in Miami. Someone told me once not to actually shoot anyone with them with that, it might make them mad and they'll beat the tar outta you. It was very accurate for it's size, I'm sure I could have hit a Battlehip at 10 yards at least 5 times out of 10. I'm guessing similar ballistics and terminal lethality for you suicide pistols, allowing time for the target to get in a few jabs, essentially suicide by it's effectiveness. Might scare the horses tho. never did sink that battleship either.

p.s. - another NOLA anecdote, my Birthday, took some of the other officers to the New Orleans Playboy club. We were in summer dress white ossifer's uniforms (it was of course a bit warm out), which are tie-less. Doorman insisted he could NOT let us in without a tie. We were going to leave when his manager arrived with a solution. He 'loaned' us a tie, we each put it around our necks, walked in , took it off and tossed it back to the next. problem solved, the rule didn't say you have to keep wearing one once you were in.

The food was, as you note, unbelievably good. Best in the world. Loved my tour there, in spite of the eagle sized Mosquitos that could carry off a small child in the night...

Last edited by kronckew; 4th June 2019 at 05:31 PM.
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