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Old 29th May 2019, 07:11 PM   #13
Join Date: Sep 2014
Posts: 854

Hello and thank you for you comment !
For the comment of kronckew I haven't undertstand everything
I follow the advice of local specialists about rhino horn,
why wouldn't I ?!

Kind regards - Saha Ftour Koum !

Originally Posted by A.alnakkas
well done. Good dagger. Hilt is definitely Rhino. As for the inscription. I recognize it even though it is hard to read. It is work of Abdullah AlDajani. The workshop is still around in AlHasa, and last time I checked, Abdullah alDajani is still around. While the workshop still takes commissions, there has been a shift to Southern dagger makers such as Ibn Shuwail. But in my eyes, nothing tops the older craftsmanship.
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