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Old 17th April 2019, 01:35 PM   #4
Bill M
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Originally Posted by Iain
The etching on the blade is consistent with a European trade blade, these were popular astral themes on European blades, the blade is very likely to be 18th century and I think the opposite of something for a highwayman. This is the problem with some of the native classifications, depending when they were compiled they may refer in some cases to locally made blades that were inferior but obviously don't cover very good imports like this one.

I appreciate your inputs, Iain and Edster. The blade, in hand, seems of good quality. Someone on another forum, thought it might have been a German import. There are some markings they thought relevant.

"Good quality" has to be relevant to the society as we know different techniques were made within the sociology/craftsmen of the makers.

A Tibetan sword "hairpin" pamor seems lesser quality to a Chinese sword, different than a Japanese sword, Moro kris, or Indonesian keris.

As noted with the date on the original post that it has been a time sense I have looked at it carefully. Please continue.
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