Thread: Kaskara
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Old 13th March 2019, 03:27 AM   #19
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 402

Jim, Both William's sword and Stephen Wood's sword and markings from this 2009 post are virtually identical.

Both have a cross & orb and "lion" as noted by Stephen in Pallme (Travels in Kordofan, p.298) and attributed as Austrian imports. (William's has the 4-pointed mark (applied by two strikes) in front of the lion that Stephen's does not. This mark is unique to me, and I wonder why it is on William's and not Stephen's.) Also, I agree that these marks are not from Kull.

Both swords have a more rounded point, I think more in common with imports than the more common pointed locally forged examples. Thus, I tend to agree that both blades are imports, but of unknown manufacture.

If the cross & orbs are actually Funj sticks & drums property marks these swords could be from at least the early 19th Cent (pre 1821). That may be why the common marks are unknown.

The "lion" is rather stylized with internal fur, but the open mouth, curled tail and especially the rump look unnatural to me.

William, the scabbard looks rather recent to me, certainly not as old as the sword. Also, most are dyed a reddish brown rather than black. I don't think the scribbed designs are indicative and the strings are as far as I know just for looks.

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