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Old 5th March 2019, 12:42 AM   #15
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I'm sorry Pusaka. I realize you are probably still digesting my questions and composing responses, but i have a few more, and since you apparently know a lot about this topic (though i am still unsure of your source beyond the Ring of Fire videos) i have a few more.
As a disclaimer let me just say that personally i do in fact believe in this concept of the keris hidup, if for no other reason than the fact that there are so many people who sincerely do. And as Alan stated, belief can be very powerful. Very powerful!
So let's say you do happen upon one of these living keris. You take it to someone like John Chang , or maybe you are developed enough to read it for yourself so you put it under your pillow and communicate with it. So you have a living keris that an empu placed a very specific "Rerajahan" into that has a very specific pamor and Dhapur all designed to bring something very specific to this one man's life in Bali 500 years ago. Now what? It was passed down as pusaka over the centuries, given to the very specific members of each person's family that the keris could jibe with, because certainly these specific energies weren't for everyone, carrying this power and lineage with it. And now you have it. It's not your pusaka now, is it? I mean, you own it, but you have no lineage, not real connection to the piece outside of that. So what now? Is this keris now a power object for you? If so why? How do you use it?
I hear a lot from collectors about the excitement of owning a keris pusaka, often from collectors who are not even members of the culture, let alone family members in the line of inheritance for the keris. You can't just pick up the magical lineage of power in such keris and wield it yourself, can you? If so, to what end? Is it possible that this "most important aspect of keris" is something that we as collectors either can't or have no right to access?
Hopefully you can help me with these questions. Thanks!
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