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Old 4th March 2019, 11:39 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by Pusaka
I think if a person has the ability to sense a keris in a junk shop. Then use their clairvoyant vision to see a Rerajahan buried in the centre of a kris and even be able to see its characters that is not an achievement to be sneezed at. Lets keep it real, none of you guys could do this!

Personally I regard this person to be an expert on keris because you can hand such a person a keris and he can tell you things about that keris that you could never hope to know.
Yes Pusaka, LET'S keep it real.
I've seen plenty of video footage of John Chang doing his stuff and i own the Rings of Fire videos. Much of it looks very interesting. He does seem to be able to manipulate his chi energy in unique ways. Am i still a skeptic. Of course. I also happen to be very good friends with a few of world renown stage magicians who can do many of the things shown in those videos through devices of illusion. Now, I'm not saying that Johnny isn't the real deal. He very well could be. But neither you nor i have any firsthand experience with him or any real evidence to prove that one way or another. We just have no way to really tell if those things he might tell us about a keris are real or not. If you think he is on the up and up it is for one reason and one reason only. You BELIEVE in him. That's fine. We all believe in one thing or another with out any empirical evidence to back it up. Much of the world operated on faith and belief.
In the videos i've watched i must say that i like John and i want to believe he is the real deal. That said, one thing i don't believe he is, and i seriously doubt that he would claim to be, is a keris expert. He may well be sensitive and able to read certain energies, but i seriously doubt when it comes right down to it, that he actually knows much about keris themselves.
So let's keep it real, eh? Just because you read or saw in a video that John could sense the energy in a keris and have a clairvoyant vision to see a Rerajahan buried in the centre of a kris and even be able to see its characters does not mean that is what really happened. The maker of the keris is long dead. Anyone could make up any story about any old keris and there is really no way to disprove it, is there? You either believe or you don't believe.
I understand that you want to believe. That is really just fine with me. Believe all you want. But it is important that we don't attempt to present our beliefs as hard fact. Keep the faith, by all means. Live, learn, experience all that you can firsthand. But try not to impose your beliefs on others nor assume what others can and can not do regarding their own sensitivity to such energies.
I do have one piece of personal logic that i would like to throw out into this discussion. You quoted the following from a book (i assume this was written by those Ring of Fire guys?):
"A Fu comes from our own person John said. When we make a
Fu we extend our consciousness and our power into the charm and
that power can serve a specific purpose for example when I
speak to a keris it is actually the spirit of the keris maker whom I
am speaking to this man has, in the past extended a part of his own
life force and spirit into the fu in the heart of the keris."
This would make a lot of sense if one were creating a jimat for oneself (and just so that you understand, i have indeed created many talismans, jimat and magickal weapons for myself over the past 40 or so years that i have been involved with occult sciences). But an empu/pande is creating a keris for another person and probably creates many over the course of their lifetime. What you interpret John as saying here is that the isi is not a separate entity, but a part of the keris maker himself. How does that work for the keris owner in a magickal sense? Why would that person want to communicate with the keris maker through their keris, a weapon, a magickal/spiritual object that has been created in order to facilitate the owner's spiritual growth and well being, bringing specific energies into their life and meant to carry those energies and that of their family line down through the ages as pusaka? (I am, of course, speaking of keris hidup here, not a keris merely created as an item of formal dress or art.) How many parts of themselves do you think an empu has to pass on into the living keris that they make before their energies are tapped? Or do those empus have an infinite resource of spiritual energies to draw from and if it is indeed infinite, then is it truly an entity that is of their own ego or perhaps something far larger and greater than themselves?
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