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Old 9th February 2019, 11:22 PM   #2
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From 'Sekala & Niskala', Fred B. Eiseman Jr., 1985.

Thumbwidth method:

1. The kris is satriya; good to be used by one of the Ksatriya caste

2. The kris is ratna candra-masurya; good for sellers of anything

3. The kris is wanara cinara-cara; good for use by subordinates of the king

4. The kris is kala-mertryu (the spirit who takes your soul when you die); the kris is bad for Ksatriya caste people because it can cause them to harm themselves

5. The kris is Arjuna-pasupati, the kris of a soldier; if the person is robbed, others will help him

6. The kris is kepaten twan, very bad; not good for use by anyone

7. The kris is dharmawangsa; good for use by high priests.

4-finger method

1. This kris is sang akarya, which means "good behaviour"; the owner will be followed by many people

2. This kris is kalamertiyu, meaning that it is for a person who is a good judge; the owner will have many friends and people will like him; the owner can read the character of others very easily

3. THe kris is kalajana, it represents anger; if the owner uses it when asking something from someone, bad things will occur

4. This kris is nagawiraksa, meaning that it is good for people who like to fight, such as Ksatriyas; the owner will be brave in war
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