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Old 21st January 2019, 06:29 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by Kubur
Another nice example of South Morocco Berber sword
The hilt follow Spanish mesoamerican traditions with a Spanish blade for export...
I am just curious, what is the basis for the Moroccan attribution of this Spanish machete made for Spanish colonial forces? We know these were made in Spain and worn by Spanish officers in the Caribbean and the Philippines, see this post here:

Was the example you posted specifically collected in Western Sahara with the appropriate provenance? If so, it would simply mean that a Spanish officer took one there, which is interesting but does not change much. To attribute it to Morocco as a native Berber weapon would be akin to stating that the Gras bayonet was a Berber weapon as well, because a few ended up in Berber hands from the French troops who were armed with the rifle.
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