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Old 10th January 2019, 03:27 AM   #29
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Join Date: Aug 2017
Location: North Queensland, Australia
Posts: 184

G'day Jim,

All Osborn marked officers' swords have either a G or GG stamp. Most Osborn and Gunby swords have either a G or GG stamp, so the GG stamp does not differentiate Osborn and Gunby made swords from those made solely by Osborn. I have never come across an Osborn marked sword with an O or Ob stamp. What does differentiate Osborn swords from those made by Osborn and Gunby is the font of the G stamp. Osborn and Gunby made swords have a sans serif G stamp. There is also no correlation with swords made for export to America with the presence or absence of a G stamp. If enough dated Osborn and Gunby officers' swords could be examined, I am sure we would find that past a certain date, Osborn and Gunby stopped using the G stamp.


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