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Old 18th December 2018, 09:03 PM   #17
Keris forum moderator
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Originally Posted by Jean
The blade size, peculiar style of greneng, and tikel alis going thru the gandik point to Java North Coast IMO. From my (limited) experience the South Sumatran blades generally do not exceed about 37 cm long.
Well then, what do you think of my blade then? Over 41cm long, same greneng and tikel alis treatment. It has been dressed in what i have presumed was Sumatran dress for a very long time in a sheath that was most obviously made for the blade. I do know that some North Jawa figural hilts are sometimes confused with North Jawa, but the carving style on this looks more Sumatran to my eye and the selut as well. The shape of the sheath has alway seemed in a Sumatran style as well, but maybe if we can attach this form to North Jawa it might explain all the confusion over the original sheath presented here as well as my own. However, another of far greater knowledge than i also IDed this one as "typical Palembang" some years ago.
Please forgive this really bad cellphone photo taken in poor light, but when i looked it seems that i had neglected to take any over all photos of the dress on this keris.
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