Thread: Another keris
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Old 10th December 2018, 06:33 PM   #5
Keris forum moderator
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Originally Posted by Jean
Yes, the blade looks like from Madura Sumenep (the winged horse), and is probably recent. I saw some blades with similar decoration but covered with gold kinatah and not pierced through. The putut motif under the kembang kacang is an odd addition (not Madurese).
The warangka is in gayaman Solo style and the hilt in Ganesha style from Java North Coast (Tegal).
If you look closely you can see that this blade did indeed once carry kinatah that has since fallen away. But i tend to agree with Jean that this seems to be a contemporary blade, although it would be helpful in any assessment, especially one that we only have photos to go by, to include images of the entire blade as well. I suppose it is also possible that the blade is somewhat older, but with contemporary recarving at the base and gonjo. Hard to tell exactly with just the close-up images.
This is indeed an mix of origins. While the sheath probably was not made for this blade, it seems to have been well adapted to it. Hard to say the actual reasons for the mix of styles.
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