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Old 19th October 2018, 11:52 AM   #8
Join Date: Sep 2016
Posts: 26

This sword was in the exhibition but was not unsheathed for reasons I don't know,but I happened to have the pictures of it and I decided to share them anyhow...I hope the owner won't blame me for post them without getting the permission--I ain't doing this for some sleazy cause after all(beside,he agreed to lend the sword to the museum and catalog of the exhibition might have more detailed photos anyway...)
Obviously this one is referring to hangers in the Europe and the pommel is very similar to ones in the SEA(mainly in the Philippine?)--Speaking of which,perhaps kindly members in the forum would introduce me some theory,essay or discussion about the whole face pommel thing?I don't think I've seen much face pommel in European samples(none,actually).Is this feature only gets common in the SEA?If so,is it developed from animal figured pommel of "cutachas"?
Though this might seems off the topic of the thread,I think it's better to finish this one before start another thread.For now,I'll have to beg your pardon and try to concentrate on the topic,to introduce all swords.
It would be great if you still willing to share your thoughts.
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