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Old 12th October 2018, 07:45 PM   #6
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 3,252

Hello Alan,

Thanks for your thoughts and the interesting remarks!

I do see the points you raised. Yet I am not convinced that this blade really is Jawa and, thus, out of pakem.

IMHO, it might rather be Sunda and examples with similar rough base features are known. Moreover, the somewhat thin base of the blade and the rather homogeneous material may point in this direction, too. Also the hilt style would suit this designation albeit being widely distributed across the archipelago.

Depending on the size and configuration of the tang (and originating culture), I have seen a wide array of hilt attachments in what appeared to be original configurations. In this chopping blade, the mating of the upper part of the tang/base seems more important than the lower ricasso area; what you describe is likely to reduce vibrations though. Actually, this blade feels solid when tapped - I haven’t made test cuts though.

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