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Old 20th September 2018, 07:47 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by ariel
Chimera: a creature composed of different parts.
IMHO think it applies more to a creature made from dissimilar parts that should not or could not have been put together.

Which is not the case here, I'd say the parts that were used to repurpose the yat were done with intent and style, and do go together.

In the latter part of the 17th C., There were a lot of yats available from the Turks just lying about for the taking after their owners didn't need them any more. A few polite discussions outside Wien convinced the Turks to go home and sleep off their ambitions.

And a vast number of the Turks had been convinced to stay permanently, and they had nice holes dug for them to reside in, most leaving their weapons behind for their Christian hosts who had admired them.

They, of course, converted them to better fit in with their own methodology and arts. More a marriage made in heaven, as a vast flock of Winged beings had descended from out of nowhere to assist the Wieners in the negotiations.
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