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Old 20th August 2018, 10:32 PM   #3
Join Date: Apr 2016
Location: Jerusalem
Posts: 274

Thank you all for your contributions. I am a bit wiser now but it is still a strange void. Egypt has produced some great weapons from the Old Kingdom and up to the great swords of Islamic pre-Ottoman times, but somehow did not follow up this tradition into early modernity.
Possibly, weapons were produced in Egypt in Ottoman style, but are not identified as a separate entity.
Some areas under Ottoman rule became hubs of weapon production, like the Balkan and Syria which made a variety of weapons to the taste of the different ethnicities of the Ottoman society, while others imported these weapons from these centers. It also makes sense that areas with clan structure and local chieftains or lower nobility developed more local types of weapons, while areas that were closely controlled by an empire did not. In the picture, Muhammad Ali of Egypt who was Albanian, pictured with a sword that seems like a Kilij hilt-Shamshir blade - type Ottomans sword often made in Damascus and popular in all southern areas of the empire.
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