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Old 8th August 2018, 06:36 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by Pukka Bundook
A question if I may;

On the farm I have used a billhook of varying types for the last 50 years, but being from Northern England the style I used did not have this pointed projection on the back.
Apart from standing on a stump to sharpen as Timo mentions, What practical use has it?
If it was bent back down towards the handle, (like a hook) it could be used to pull down branches, but facing up to the tip, it has me puzzled.

Any thoughts on the idea behind it?
(My only thought is for hedge laying, where the partly cut sapling is bent over at an angle. Could be used for pushing I suppose.....)

Thank you all for your time,

I know these are also present on brush axes (about the largest category of billhook?) Which is basically the more heavy duty version of a scythe. You get at the actual undergrowth with it that a scythe couldn't handle. Unwanted bushes and saplings. Often there is a branch already broken off long ago nested in there. Best not to just grab it. There could easily be a wasp nest on the under side. You give it a few prods. Then pike it and toss it if all seems well. Even after jostling it to check for wasps there could still be scorpions, spiders, or venomous snakes habitating on or under it.So again it's best not to grab it bare handed or even with a glove on if you don't have to.
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