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Old 5th August 2018, 12:41 PM   #4
Lead Moderator European Armoury
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Thank you for the info and for the link to the Sofala fortification. Probably all arms and other stuff found by the natives around the area were not result of ship wrecks but because the fort was gradually invaded by the sea, spreading its remnants all over.
I have been in Mozambique between 1969-1974, stayed in various regions but have never been close to this area.
But having this fort being built beg. XVI century, your halberd would date from a much later period, during which part of the fortification was already in ruins, although still strong enough to defend one last assault in 1836.
Which role this halberd played until the fort was abandoned around 1900, would be interesting to know; this assuming that it was part of the fort armory.
Judging by the short langets and guessing that its blades are not sharpened (?) it could have been a symbolic/command weapon, like that of a sergeant; as naturally in this remote fort no Royal guard parades or escorts would have taken place.
But of course i am only speculating.
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