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Old 5th April 2006, 02:43 AM   #20
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Both of your posts have provided valuable information and much to think about. First, thanks for the venenoza translation. (It was spelled with a z on the knife by the way. I wrote it down while I was looking at the blade to make sure I got the correct spelling.) I had done a couple of internet searches to see if I couldn't find a manufacturer with that name. Now I know why I came up empty. Thanks to you I won't waste any more time in that direction. What's really interesting is that the middle knife you show in your second post has a hilt, crossguard, and sheath virtually identical to the "venenoza" knife. Even more curious is the French inscription on your knife.
I think the first knife you show is a Gaucho facon. I have seen a number of those from Brazil that are made for the tourist trade. Yours appears to be the real deal however. It's really nice looking.
The sheath of the last knife you show looks very much like the sheath for my Canary Island knife however the hilt of your knife looks more like a faca da ponta hilt than a Canary Island hilt and your blade lacks the Spanish notch. Whatever it is I'd really like to get one.
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